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RINGANA Online Academy

Brand new!

You face many challenges as a Fresh Partner and mentor – motivation, personality coaching, training new Partners – to name just a few. That’s why, with an online expansion of our RINGANA events and RINGANA training concept, we want to create a further important knowledge platform that is intended to serve as a training tool for both new Partners and experienced Fresh Partners.

In devising this tool, we set great store by ensuring that it meets our high standards of innovation: the platform has to be easy to use, easy to access, and be in the cool and attractive RINGANA design.

We’ve brought all those qualities together
and now have the pleasure of introducing the RINGANA Online Academy!


RINGANA knowledge for all!

The content of the RINGANA Online Academy is broken down into several sections ranging from basic knowledge for new RINGANA Partners to manager knowledge. The content that is currently available focuses on intensifying basic knowledge for new Partners. Further learning modules will be added gradually. This means that, depending on the Target Level, we offer customised knowledge for new and/or experienced Fresh Partners.


Knowledge transfer via videos

RINGANA knowledge is conveyed in entertaining, informative videos in a simple and understandable way. To help you retain what you see and hear, there are short quizzes after selected videos with which you can test your learning success in a fun way. Naturally, the entire learning platform is now available in all focus-market languages.


Online tutorial programme

The courses in the RINGANA Online Academy are designed as online tutorials which allow users to listen again to important content– such as that provided at RINGANA events– or deepen their knowledge of it. A learning progress indicator not only provides the respective new Partner with an insight into their current learning status, but mentors also have an overview of their downline, as far as the third generation. This means that mentors are always informed about their team’s current knowledge status and they can follow up where needed with individual support.


Everything at a glance

In addition to the respective speaker’s talk on the video, in the description of the given courses you will find valuable pointers to further information or links to useful, theme-relevant download material. As a further convenient enhancement, the platform also always displays the latest news about the RINGANA Online Academy directly on the homepage – which means you’ll be up to date as soon as you log in.



All the advantages for you and your team

#Learn from experts
Learn from experienced managers, external experts and the RINGANA Country Managers who already have years of experience under their belts, and soak up the RINGANA knowledge simply and with ease.

#Flexible online learning
Absorb the content of the RINGANA Online Academy whenever and wherever you want. All you need are a laptop or smartphone and your login details. The RINGANA Online Academy is at your disposal around the clock.

#Individual mentoring
Even after you’ve studied the RINGANA Online Academy  videos, you may still have questions. In this case, your mentor will advise you individually and can discuss specific topics with you in person.


As a mentor, you can use this valuable tool to support your mentoring work, to convey RINGANA basic knowledge to your new Partners. It allows you to assist your team Partners in a more targeted and personalised way, wherever help or additional information are needed.

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