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Social Media Templates

for Instagram and Facebook

Since personal contacts are increasingly online at the moment, we are now offering you templates for your social media channels which you can use to make people aware of your ONLINE FRESH date. Prepared professionally and in compact form in the RINGANA design, so that you can focus completely on your business. We have prepared templates both for Instagram and Facebook. We differentiate between the templates not only on the basis of the channel but also in the type of template – because posts and stories don’t have the same format.

So that new customers and followers can already guess at the content of your ONLINE FRESH date from your story or post, we have created four different designs for our respective product categories. Just choose the template to match the planned content of your ONLINE FRESH date.



Templates from the FRESH category are suitable for inviting guests to an ONLINE FRESH date at which you want to present one of our skin care products.


If you wish to present our PACKS, CAPS and DRINKS at your ONLINE FRESH date, then the best template to use is the one from the SUPPLEMENTS category.


The COMPLETE product category is devoted solely to our balanced and vegan meal replacement, COMPLETE d-eat. 


Would you like to hold an ONLINE FRESH date to present the RINGANA SPORT products? In that case, use the matching template from the SPORT category.



Stories for Instagram and Facebook

The templates in a category for stories consist in each case of three pictures that are coordinated with each other. Picture 1 and Picture 2 are intended to arouse curiosity. Picture 3 contains the invitation to the ONLINE FRESH date and the request for the reader to make contact if interested. But see for yourself:


Posts for Instagram and Facebook

You also have pictures in the four product categories, FRESH, COMPLETE, SUPPLEMENTS and SPORT, as well as the matching texts at your disposal, for posts on Instagram and Facebook.


Download the entire ONLINE FRESH date package here.

It contains not only all the social media templates broken down into categories, but also the ONLINE FRESH date guide, the ONLINE FRESH date presentation and the RINGANA e-invitation.


Now you can get started: upload the templates in RINGANA design to your social media channels and use them to enter into contact with your virtual world. To ensure that we maintain a consistent brand image, please only use these templates inclusive of the provided text, without making any changes. 



More Details about the ONLINE FRESH date
are available in our guide.

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